Friday, September 10, 2010

Hearing from the Lord

I've been working with churches that are wanting and trying to turn their church around. Its been a very difficult road for each of these churches to walk. Jesus said that His sheep hear His voice and follow Him. So, the question is, "Are we listening?" How do you know its Jesus? Are you into the Word? He speaks through the Word. If what you are doing is contrary to His Word you are not hearing from Him. Are you seeking godly counsel? If you are not you probably aren't hearing from the Lord.

The next question is, "Are we following Him." Following is another way of saying obedience. It is from the heart because He is the Good Shepherd. It is not only listening but taking action steps that demonstrate Jesus is your Leader, your Lord. It is not a set of rules, but the setting of your heart and soul. It often requires what we call repentance, a turning of your life moving toward Jesus.

We all fall back on something, we call it a default mode. In order to start turning things around we need change from the default mode that has not worked and listen and follow the Lord. Is it easy? Breaking habits takes intentionality and a faith that leans totally on the Lord, not in our own strength.

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