Monday, August 23, 2010

Abuse Of Authority

We've all seen or have experienced a parent (it could be us) berating their child(ren). We wince when we see it being done to others. The parent says they are doing it because they love their children, but it sure doesn't look, feel, or act like love. Leaders in churches often do this to their own congregations.

Jesus tells us we are not to lord it over those whom we lead. Yet, I find this in churches all the time. I have even done this to the detriment of the Lord's work. We make rationalizations that say we are about the Lord's work, but we beat up the people we are to care for. One leadership team said in the past, "If we only had the right people we would grow." Maybe its needing the right leadership instead.

When things are not going well we are not to lord it. We are to raise the issues, instruct the people, encourage the people. Rebuke may be in store, but not threats. The Lord is the one who convicts. Let the Lord work as we lay down our lives before Him.


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