The top picture is of some pastors having lunch together.
The second picture is of Bob leading a session.
I was recently in Kapchowra, Uganda doing some leadership training for pastors and church leaders. At the end of each session we had time for Q & A. There was never a lack of questions. I'm not sure as to how we came to the question of Eve's responsibility for the fall of man. The Ugandans blame Eve for the fall and not Adam. Understand their background: women are not people, they are property. The believers have come a long way.
Anyway we looked at the Genesis 3 passage. After reading it, I asked where was Adam when Eve was being tempted by the serpent. Their response was that Adam was asleep, busy, somewhere else in the garden. After prodding them again, the response was that Adam "was with her." That was an eye opener. They realized that Adam was there all along and didn't do anything. Why didn't he intervene on behalf of his wife? Why didn't he protect her? Husbands are we are to be protecting our wives? Are we leading our wives? Do we realize we are held responsible? Adam was held accountable and responsible for the fall. We are to follow the 2nd Adam, not the 1st Adam.
Pastors we are to lead our wives. We are to lead by being servant leaders. How we lead our wives is often how we lead our churches.
But what is the tree of knowledge of good and evil? Do a search: The First Scandal.
Thank you Robert.
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